Here is my challenge, 889 teams were named, 333 men & 556 women, how do I list them all? I know, go with those we have any ties to, major programs and local ones.
Men's Teams
U of Akron
Bard College
Bellarmine U
Boston College
Brown U.
Bryant U.
Clemson U.
Connecticut College
Duke U.
Fordham U.
Georgetown U.
Hartwick College
Hofstra U.
SUNY Oneonta
Stony Brook
Suffolk U.
Rutgers U.
St. Francis College Brooklyn
Women's Soccer, GPA & Coach if known to us:
U of Akron 3.44
Bard College 3.52
Bellarmine 3.72
UCLA 3.29
Clemson U Eddie Radwanski 3.58
Colombia U Tracey Bartholomew 3.58
UCONN Marget Rodriguez 3.50
Duke U. Robbie Church 3.71
Farmingdale State College Chris Roche 3.22
U of Florida Becky Burleigh 3.30
Fordham U. Jessica Clinton 3.61
Harvard U. Chris Hamblin 3.74
Hofstra U. Simon Riddiough 3.58
UNC Anson Dorrrance 3.28
U. North Texas John Hedlund 3.22
Stony Brook U. Tobias Bischoff 3.5
United States Naval Academy Carin Gabarra 3.09
Men's with coach and GPA
Adelphi U Gary Book 3.46
Bad College TJ Kostecky 3.34
Clemson U Mike Nonan 3.34
Duke U John Kerr 3.54
Elon U Marc Reeves 3.56
Fordham U Carlo Acquista 3.63
Georgetown U Brian Wiese 3.37
Hartwick College John Scott 3.33
Hofstra U. Richard Nuttal 3.60
Loyla Marymount U Paul Krumpe 3.30
U. Maryland Sasho Cirovski 3.22
Molloy College Tyler Botte 3.19
NYU Kim Wyant 3.56
Ohio Wesleyan U Jay Martin 3.14
St. Francis College Brooklyn Tom Giobatto 3.27
University of San Diego Brian Quinn 3.42
Seton Hall U. Andreas Lindberg 3.50
Stony Brook U. Ryan Anatol 3.16
University of Tampa Adrian Bush 3.19
UVA George Gelnovatch 3.32
What a list, a few inductees in the Long Island Soccer Player Hall of Fame, some St. John's University Men's soccer alum ranks. Two players from my last team, the wife of another, yet one more indoor player. A former Blackbird, a few World Cup Winners and the son of a former Cosmos player, I am fortunate to have known father and son.