Sporting Kansas City gets a new Jersey Partner

By Sean McCaffery, March 7, 2020

They keep the field green, now the team will wear them on their sleeve, the first such arrangement, Compass MIneerals. They are the official plant nutrition and salt provider for the team, their HQ is in Overland Park and they have been in business since 1844, growing into the top salt producer in North America and the UK, and the top magnesium chloride producer in the states. Along with this sponship go the naming rights to Pinnacle & Wyandotte Sporting Fields

On the right sleeve there will now be a patch for the length of this multi year union. The pair of state of the art facilities with SKC are aided by the specialty plant nutrition lineup from the firm, their deicing product line will help keep the visitors to the locations safe during inclimate weather. Wyandotte is a $20 million dollar youth athletics facility, opened in 2017, while the Pinnacle is a world class facility with a $75 million pricetag where national ref & coaching courses, tournies and more are conducted at all levels.

Compass Pres. & CEO Kevin Crutchfield stated "We're thrilled to expand our partnership with Sporting KC in such a meaningful way. Becoming a first team partner provides us an exciting opportunity."

SKC Pres & CEO Jake Reid added "Compass Minerals is a first class organization and has been an incredible partner for Sporting the last two years. We are ectremely excited to showcase the partnership in such a highly visible way on our jerseys and state-of-the-art-facilities."
