They announced this many new languages, how many did they have before? Having no idea there were that many languages, I find this even more interesting. Given they have players born in 14 different nations, this makes a world of sense, most are from Canada with 14, then no other nation has more than a pair of players. These additions are part and parcel of Join the Wave, which has brought in this multilingual and diverse program under the marketing campaign. This will feature ads throughout their market in many languages.
I hope you already read on Don Garber, MLS Commish. touching on MLS Unites, now from the Chicago franchise is more detail on this program. The goal of this is to link the soccer community during this never before seen time of concern, already players have thanked all first responders and medical practicioners, they are the front line, on National Doctors Day.
readLong time MLS Commish has made another statement relative to the Conornavirus Crisis.
His thoughts go out to the whole of the MLS family as they get through this most difficult time.
The league has a unique role for their followers and the effect of the lack of games had a big impact in their markets. The are constanly at work to deal with thing facing players, Clubs, employees & partners, devising reactions to get back at it ASAP and safely.
readMLS & USMNT standout, Edson Buddle was kind enough to give us some of his time during this time of Coronavirus crisis yesterday, we had an assist from Jimmy Conrad, also a player in the MLS and the USMNT now seems he is everywhere on media as he provided us with one of the questions, thank you for that. It was a far ranging interview touching on things such as the value of mental & physical health, the import of fitness in everyday life, his Jamaican heritage, yes we went well off the rails on many an occasion.
readThe team and the local doctors are getting together to further the message of #StayHome. Team athletes, technical staff, and other employees urge all to help halt the scourge of COVID-19. They are in union with federal, provincial and municipal govt's as they emphatically implore all to stay hope to halt the spread of the insidious virus.