RBNY Post game of FCC

By Anonymous (not verified), July 21, 2024

New York Red Bulls Head Coach Sandro Schwarz


On the team's start to the match ...

It was good. It was very well. It was also our match plan to be directly active from the beginning, and in our pressing, to find the good moment in our pressing to start, today more in a 4-3-2-1 that we control more the six space from the opponent, and this was the reason Lewis against the ball comes more from the ten space, and yeah, it was very good. A lot of good moments in transition, and then we scored then, as well. In these moments, it's then also necessary when you have good moments in the game that you then also punish the opponent with a goal. Yeah, it was the right moment for these goals, and the second half, as well, with our goals, and it was very good performance, very good behavior for the whole team.

On Ronald Donkor and Wiki Carmona ...

Yeah, I would say it was very good, both six position today, and especially then, also, when you make some mistakes, but you come back every time in the game and not the head is down or something like that. This was great behavior from both six positions, and it's good to see. Now it's good that we have this break, as well, with our injuries, and to have now 41 points after 25 games, I think it's a good result, and now we are eight games, I think, unbeaten, 12 games unbeaten at home. It's good. It's good to have this break to have this feeling, as well, at the end. Because now we have four weeks, this next game in Charlotte, and then two days off to prepare for League's Cup.

On Kyle Duncan ...

I wasn't sure that it was a chip to be honest, this goal. But yeah, we had also after the Montréal game, a clear conversation to be honest directly after the game on the field, and then the days after the Montréal game. This is Kyle Duncan, how we want to see him, and to play clean and to play clear in every situation, and not to make some easy mistakes. It's good, he make good runs today, and it's not so easy to play with the right foot and the left fullback. On top, he scored. It's important for us, the goal, and to have this confidence to take this shot was very good, a very good reaction.


New York Red Bulls Midfielder Lewis Morgan

On two goals tonight…

The goal is to start early and make sure you're the first team to get on the scoreboard and we’ve done that tonight, I think we've done that in the past few games but we've sort of came off and take the foot off the gas a little bit and let things back and give them a bit of oxygen in the game and tonight we didn't do that we were able to make sure we got the set and got the third and I think it was a really complete performance. 

On his relationship with Elias Manoel and Dante Vanzeir…

I think as a striker we all have our strengths and our weaknesses. It's all about playing against each other's strengths and each other's weaknesses and how we can bounce off each other and I think tonight me and Elias did a really good job at that. Me and Dante's season, whenever I played up there just so happens to be a bit more so with Dante and I've also got a really good relationship with him. So, what you've seen tonight is Elias came and he was ready to impact the game. He's another person who had done really well and it was easy to play alongside

On the match against FC Cincinnati…

From a player's standpoint, three points is three points. We knew Cincinnati was going to be a good game and a good team, if anything it's better getting the three points when you know you're playing a really good side and that's what we've done tonight against the Cincinnati team. Regardless of some injuries they had at the back I think we were ready for the best version of them and I think we dominated the game to be honest, I think it could have been more.


New York Red Bulls Defender Kyle Duncan

On scoring tonight…

I didn't know it was going in. I was hoping it went in. And then when I saw it, I was so excited that I couldn't even celebrate in the moment. But then I realized I scored and I just ran over to my teammates to celebrate.

On his versatility switching to Left Back with John Tolkin at the Olympics…

The coaches trust me in that position, and I can use my left foot very well. Sometimes it slips up a bit, but he trusts me in that position so when he puts me there, I'll do what I have to do.

On being able to defeat Cincinnati tonight …

I think it felt sweeter being that we needed these three points today and we're coming off of two ties and the last game felt like a real big upset, felt like a loss to us. With the coach said to us in the locker room for these past two days was you need to take a look in the mirror and if you're not feeling like you're not doing everything on the field, then it needs to start now. And I feel like that kind of woke us up, got these three points today and we’re excited.


New York Red Bulls Midfielder Dennis Gjengaar

On the win heading into League's Cup ...

It's a great feeling. It's an important feeling going into the League's cup. So, it's very important for the team and it's a great feeling.

On entering the match in the first half ...

I mean, you always prep before the game so you feel ready as soon as the game starts. I wasn't thinking anything different, just getting ready to go onto the pitch.

On the mentorship of Swedish players at the club ...

Its not really one thing in particular. It's easier because I can speak my own language with him (Emil) and we play the same position. He has the experience so he's able
